Thursday, September 4, 2008

Final Post - It's been great!!!

Sorry - no pictures, just a wrap up.

After our great weekend in Loveland, CO and visiting Rocky Mountain National Park, we pulled out Labor Day morning headed east. We spent Monday night at an Army Corps of Engineers park half way across Kansas. Tuesday we made it to one of our favorite stopping spots - Arrow Rock, MO. We had stayed here five nights back in May. This time we stayed only two nights.

The effects of Hurricane Gustav reached all the way up into Missouri and it rained all day long Wednesday. Didn’t matter - we were just taking a day of R&R anyway.

Today (Thursday, September 4th) we left Arrow Rock - still raining. It was a pretty messy drive across the rest of Missouri and for a ways into Illinois. God continued to look out for us - a guy in front of us in a Cadillac lost it on the rain slick highways a few miles east if St. Louis and swapped ends a couple of times before he finally came to rest against the inside concrete barrier. Our brakes worked just fine and we were able to avoid a messy wreck. Thank you, God!

We made it to another of our stopping spots - Kentucky Dam Village State Park at the head of Kentucky Lake near Gilbertsville, KY.

Tomorrow we are headed to probably our most favorite campground - Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains near Townsend, TN. We plan on spending four nights there and finally head on home next Tuesday.

This will be the last post to our Alaska ‘blog’. What a great trip!! We have put over 10,000 miles on the motorhome and it has been fantastic. It always amazes us as to the grandeur of the USA!! What a beautiful country.

For all of you that have been following along on this ‘blog’ - glad to have you along and we really hope you have enjoyed the trip with us. In fact, if you really, really enjoyed it, and want to help a little bit with the gasoline - just send those check or money orders!!!